2008年9月25日 星期四

miss u all~~~~

i mIss u all lOl~~~miss mY bLog, miss my friendSter, miss my friend, miss my fAmily.....

jit chin


wen & me- 25o9o8
wahsei, i gOt 1 week dIn online....cant describe the feel tAt din online. i din online & oSo din c the mOvie tat i oways c. cOz i still waiting....so, i jus eat & sleep at tIs week!!!! many ppl say me bE fAt le....k, i noe!!! i starting keep fIt le...Gambateh la 2 mIe~~~
when i starting my keep fit program leh, my dear was cOme disturd me. he sAy tat me like tis enough le. nO need keep fit, & oso dun be fat le. Oh my god~~~u know how many shirt & pant tAt i cant wear!!! i dun care, i juS wanna be THIN!!!! i dun wanna be the FAT GIRL~~~

we have a hApppy family dAy at tIs week...we wear the same shirt bUt different coloUr~~~
woo~~we like colourful,k!! dun try 2 judge us!!! tAt oUr stYle~~~

hUyamei & mIna~~

4 Of us~~

4 sIsta--25o9o8

ya...1 more happy things is i bUy a new bedsheet!!! the theme is "YOU & ME" with the ziraffah~~~woo...i lOve it much. shOw 2 u....

c...."you & me"

2008年9月16日 星期二

hAppy mooncAke feStival~~~~


at sunday(14o9o8), mooncake festIval...i gOt celebrate it v dear & friends. we gO bbq at explaned!!!! sO many ppl tat night~~~ woo....but jus we bbq only. the chicken wing & hOtdog is me do de!!! dAmn nIce....1st time do it~~
before gO there, me & dear gO parkson shOpping a while. Buy again the MCflurry Oreo~~NICE!!!


jIt chin
dear's friends--ah wei, have open hOuse at monday(15o9o8)!!! him house at the luak bAy!! so far....but him hOuse de desIgn is so geng!!! & oso no expensive~~ someone tell dear sAy bla-bla abOut hi hOuse...HEI, tat is ur prOblem,K!!! dun dIsturb us aGian...gO away!!!


one mOre thing, the trip gO sibu was cancel le!!! cOz dear car cant repair well. sO we cant go....
i so sad~~~i wanna shOpping!!! sOry 4 yien tat, coz we din go bUt u oredy get the hOliday. wAit the next tIme la....jOin us 2gether!!!

2008年9月12日 星期五

tIs few day, gO many things happen!!!! all is bad new.....1st, is my friend's mOther was masuk hOspital. bUt him is oK now~~
2nd, is the tAmbi friend died le.....y like tat??? i Oso dUnno~~~watever i so hate her, but oso dun wan gOd take her gO. Maybe he is old le, & the tIme 2 rest!!! hOpe u will well~~~take care!!
i jus can say life is short, dunno when the gOd will take u go...

then until my mum siCk....sO we off at wed & thurs. give her time 2 rest. Mum, jus take care u bOdy!!! plS~~~~~
they are realy clear all they things at our house. k...........jus gO away!!!! we will do the well....jus wait i change my room 2 be beautiful. ya~~~i oredy gO c the curtain. it's so expensive, but i like it!!!

so many fan nao now!!!! dunno y???? who can help me??? arghhhhhhhh....dun wan thinking le~~

ya...i will gO sibu at next week!!! v my dar & yien cOuple~~~ wOO....happy & sweet~~

2008年9月6日 星期六


他们明天搬家了。。。心里有点不舍的,毕竟一起相处过。那个男的真得很辛苦,千心万苦安排一切! 只因为那个女的无理取闹.....想想他真的很可怜。但是那是你的选择,我们只能成全你!




2008年9月5日 星期五



SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! BAZIR MY MONEY.........I HATE THEM~~~

wat is the shit face traffic??? like the thief wanna get money, jus them have liciense nia......fXXk!!!! ok, i din give her mOney, coz i realy bU shUang.....jus give me the sampan, k!!!!


a new month cOming le.....time pass sO fast, jus like no do anything~~~bOring life!!!
oways eat, sleep, work~~~aiiii.....
o1o9o8 is my friend weddIng....wiSh u hAppy wedding ~~~
me, dear & her friends was eat the ketam almost 3 day le....got have 7kg!!!! waaahhhh....we like the blAck pepper favourite. The 1st time our eat, & we love it tOo!!

yeah, i cUt my hair le....

at family day, i bring mum & dad gO 925 eAt lunch. hAppy le!!!! at night we gO eat clAypot rice, we meet dear aT there.....haha!!!

mIe & yOu

i lOve my dEar & fAmily~~~all oF u!!!! muackSss.....