2008年9月16日 星期二

hAppy mooncAke feStival~~~~


at sunday(14o9o8), mooncake festIval...i gOt celebrate it v dear & friends. we gO bbq at explaned!!!! sO many ppl tat night~~~ woo....but jus we bbq only. the chicken wing & hOtdog is me do de!!! dAmn nIce....1st time do it~~
before gO there, me & dear gO parkson shOpping a while. Buy again the MCflurry Oreo~~NICE!!!


jIt chin
dear's friends--ah wei, have open hOuse at monday(15o9o8)!!! him house at the luak bAy!! so far....but him hOuse de desIgn is so geng!!! & oso no expensive~~ someone tell dear sAy bla-bla abOut hi hOuse...HEI, tat is ur prOblem,K!!! dun dIsturb us aGian...gO away!!!


one mOre thing, the trip gO sibu was cancel le!!! cOz dear car cant repair well. sO we cant go....
i so sad~~~i wanna shOpping!!! sOry 4 yien tat, coz we din go bUt u oredy get the hOliday. wAit the next tIme la....jOin us 2gether!!!

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