hehe..jus now me & wen chating in msn!!!!
then we use the webcame...1st time using webcame leh!!!
look ugly in the webcame~~ =.=
din get the photo coz dunno how to do it....
wen ask where baby...then later baby was wake up & played!!!!
ermmm..maybe she now wen find her...lalala
baby jus sleep le~~~
2day she is more talk le!!! "angku...angku...ahh...ahh..."
make us so happy & funny....
Sharen them jus back from hong kong yesterday!!!
anna say ahe got buy things to baby...
thanks babe~~~
tat's all la...
wanna go sleep le!!!
playing v baba when me chating wen...
baby & mummy..(pyjamas wearing)
playing +watching movie
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