tIs few day, gO many things happen!!!! all is bad new.....1st, is my friend's mOther was masuk hOspital. bUt him is oK now~~
2nd, is the tAmbi friend died le.....y like tat??? i Oso dUnno~~~watever i so hate her, but oso dun wan gOd take her gO. Maybe he is old le, & the tIme 2 rest!!! hOpe u will well~~~take care!!
i jus can say life is short, dunno when the gOd will take u go...
then until my mum siCk....sO we off at wed & thurs. give her time 2 rest. Mum, jus take care u bOdy!!! plS~~~~~
they are realy clear all they things at our house. k...........jus gO away!!!! we will do the well....jus wait i change my room 2 be beautiful. ya~~~i oredy gO c the curtain. it's so expensive, but i like it!!!
so many fan nao now!!!! dunno y???? who can help me??? arghhhhhhhh....dun wan thinking le~~
ya...i will gO sibu at next week!!! v my dar & yien cOuple~~~ wOO....happy & sweet~~
9x12 area rugs
2 年前
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