2008年7月28日 星期一


dessert iCe-cream

260708(sat)-- 2day me & my dear hAve our bReakfast at Yakin cAfe....then, i pei dear go working. after tat, he send me back home. i jus c the movie & online. so bOring~~~at night, dear go 'dapao' at paSar malam. i din eat, coz dislike....so dear bring mie go buy chicKen cheeSe bUrger(my fAvourite~~~). yummy-yUmmy!!!! we go limteh at 9.30pm, but until 11pm. i so tIred le, so dear oso go bAck. coz he kNow i wanna do work 2moro mOrning. thanks u cAre, deAr~~~love u~~~

jIt cHin....
gOing bAck hOme....

27-07-08(sun)--2day is a raining dAy. so xian!!! i back home at 1pm, cooking dinner at 3pm. ( go a bit eArly hoo.....nvrmind la!!!) we eat some food, n i call deAr with me tAke a while sleep. we sLeep until 6pm. jus like a pig, eat after sleep....haha!!! about 7pm, go shopping at ImperiAll mall v my loVely dEAr~~~we got take the wAtch, c the magazIne. then me feel hungry, dear bring go eAt sugArbun. we meet yAn & her hUsband. after eat, i gO deSsert buy ice-cReam....(fAt again) 3 favourite(riasberry,pandan,pLum+lime)...dAmn deliCious~~~~befOre back, dear go custoMer house. jus noe is her gRandson 1 years old bIrthdAy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 YUAN YUAN!!!!! i will go buy present at mondAy. then, we bAck loo....hAppy sUndAy!!!

**yan's baby was sick...hapo she can good soon....
**take some pHoto v my dEAr....so Sweet!!!! I loVE U~~~~

oUr fUnny look....
yOu & mIe--270708
gOing oUt~~~

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