2008年7月27日 星期日

hAppy fAmily KL trIp~~~(july)

reAly happy have the Kl trip v my fAmily. we so enjOy tat!!! we arrival KL at 12am, go hOtel by van. hehe.....the hotEl tat i have booking is gOOd, big & 'shuang'. jus we room go a bit fAr!!!
22o7o8(tue)--we stArt shopping at SungEi wang & Times sQuare. so mAny thing 2 bUy. waShei, reAly nIce sHopping~~~~I LOVE SHOPPING!!!!
23o7o8(wed)--2dAy is huyamei bIrthdAy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 u~~~we go shOpping at sunwAy, mIdvalley. nthging 2 bUy....dAmn geram!!!! jus the sungei wang & times square got the thing i wan bUy....i loVe there!!! at night, we go 'qi chong kai'. there all samseng, so bAd....& my hUbby go sIbu 2day, i oSo wanna go sHopping at sIbu. nghhhhh~~~
24o7o8(thurs)--we wAke up early, cOz wanna go Genting. when we arrivAl, there dAmn cool....tak tahan la!!!! we got take soMe photo, n 1 hAppy things is we got gEt the fAmily pHoto. ^___^ i mIss hUbby. my hubby call me tAt he din take the good sleep when i'm not here. hehe....
25o7o8(fri)-- lAst night, i do a dream tat mAke me so sad. i cAll my dear, he sayang me. thAnks u, deAR!!!! we back 2dAy le....my dear come fEtch me. i gIve him a bIg hug & kiss, he oSo~~~sebenar dear wanna bring me go eat crab. but i wanna eAt claypot Rice,so dear bring me gO eat clAypot rice. realy miss it!!! yummy-Yummy.....deAR 2 night can take the goOd sleep le. muAcksss~~~

3 of us at Genting
4 sistAr~~love u all....
at miri aiRport....21-07-08
wanna go shopping le...22-07-08
zhan li ping 1
zhan li ping 2
my new kittY stAff~~~
back miRi loo~~~
oUr beg....

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