go aGain the niNe 2 five, coz we love the fOod there. dear cheat me 2 go eat, coz he oredy eat at early mOrning( befoRe i no yEt wake up). He noe i will no eat if i noe he oredy eat. so he chEat me, he jus eat toast. Thanks dear~~~~ at 12.30pm, i go dO 脚指甲彩绘. coz i like bLue now, so i do the blue coloUr....love it mUch~~~
then, i gO cut hAir at Vincent sAloon....ok la, deAR say nthging chAnge. hoho....but i oso like it. deAr still say how i keep tHe long hAir tAt i oways cut it, i thing i cannot keep the lOng hAir. Sory lol, deAr!!! after i back home, i clean the store rOom v aunty. so mAny thing 2 tHrow!!! aFter cleaning, i go cooking dInner foR dear. 8pm, we go pArkson shopping~~~we buy the Mcdonald ice-cream---Mcflurry & sundae chocolate. yUmmy-Yummy~~~
any difference??
our iCe-cream
finAlly, i got off dAY lol~~2dAy, we have our breakfast at nine 2 five with "jian ren, jian jiang,& chicken king"....so hAppy leh!!!! afternoon, i go out with HY, go c the furniture~~~so expenSive lO.....but i will buy it. 7pm, dear bring me go eAt claypot rice. ( i oredy eAt the claYpot rice 4 dAy le, but i like it mUch.) then, we go bAck. deAR with him friends 'mamachi' , i jus c the movie at room. before go eat claYpot rice
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