2008年7月20日 星期日

hAppy weeKend~~~

we have wAke up at the sAme time, so难得哦!!! haha....we hAve our breakfAst at Yakin Cafe, so mAny ppl le (coz weekend ma!!!) n i go wOrk at 1pm unTil 8pm, dAmn bOring~~~ after i baCk, dEar bring mIe go Sugarbun & with chicken King. go eat chicken & fIsh....dEliciouS~~~then, we go shOpping at depArment, we buy sOme drink. tat's all....go back hOme c the mOvie!!!

dear so serious c then nEwspAper.....
i luv tis, but dEar so blur~~~
peAce 2 all of u~~~

woo~~~do work start fRom 7am-3pm, tIred lol....when i back home, i plaY the 'mamachi' v jian ren & jian jiang. i win RM3.xx...haha!!! Lihai ba~~~i go out at 4.30pm, v HY & zHen. bUy a Mp3, some coloUrful rAntai~~~i bAck home at 7pm. we have our dInner at xin le yuan cafe---aGain clAypot rice, hehe....v konkon & him wife. then we go dear customer rOom. sometHing make me wAnna VOMIT, is i saw the Bitch at her house. washei, si 8 po, u know u realY lihAi??? coz u cAn heLp me keep fIt, coz afTer c u, i wanna VOMIT!!!haha...SHIT!!! we go limteh v dear frIend about half hOur, jus go bAck c the movie.

2moro nIght, i will go KL with mY family. so anticipate....bUy my dear din go v us, coz he wanna do work. i will miss hIm much, realy miss dEar (i noe dEar oso will mIss me much)~~~I hope we will have a hAppy tRip. muAckSsss~~~

i will updAte mY blog sOOn....miss u all muCh!!!!!!

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