2008年7月16日 星期三

hAppy fAmily daY----160708

We have hAppy family dAy at tiS week....so fUnny de!!! at aftErnoon, we go eAt duck rice at hong hua cafe. u kNow tat, when i wan call mY mum, i call out "lao gong", y will like tAt?? they all laUgh me, say me 2 miSs my dEAr~~~yA, i miss my deAR now....muackSsss~~~
then, we go shopping at pArkson & imperiAll mall...nthing 2 buy!!! coz next week, me will with mY fAmily go 2 KL. haha....dun jEalous lol~~~i waiting it cOming s00n~~~
i bAck home at 3.30pm, mY lao gong was stAy at 'pia' the movie. he give me a kiSs when i reach home, coz he sAy he's miss me mUch...i mIss u tOO, dEAr!!! ^___^ then, i go take a break & sleep, my deAr help me 盖被被, & a KISS!!! dAmn sWeet lol~~~ at night, i go have the dinner with mY family at xin le yuan cafe, eat the cLaypot rice. we so hAppy, coz we say the冷笑话,超冷.....but we meet the people we diSlike, SOI AH!!!! nvrmind, we oso so hAppy.... after having our diner, we go bOulevard meet HY & Benson. just go shopping, nthing 2 buy!!! tAt's all for my hAppy family dAY....i love mY dear, dAd, mUm, aNna, wEn, zhEn & yAw~~~realy love u all 4eVer!!!!

agAin, 2dAy night, 4 of us was wear the colourful shoes aGain....show 2 u~~~we lOve cOlOurful!!!

green, blue, black, pink
(wen, chIn, zhEn, aNna)
who foot?? spoil our shoes....haha

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