i get the 2 gOOd news frOm my friends.
1st is ah B wife was bOrn a daugther at 05-10-08. k~~~congralution....her baby was jus 2.5 kg(if no wrong la). ah B so happy when he saw him baby!!!!
2nd, Sharon was born a sOn at last week... I think him name is AlVin Lee!!!
hOpe the baby was cute like him bRo....realy cUte!!!
congralutiOn sharon~~~take care oF urself.....
mie....still got 8 moNth!!! me oso dunno wanna hOw....
the feel tat i cant describe~~~(hAppy + nervous +afraid~~~)
dear care of me, sayang me~~~
when me sick, he quickly send me gO c the docter.
k...,i feel the care & love from u...dear!!!
LOve u & miss u~~~~
i was not always beside dear....coz my hOme was repair!!!
i cant stay at hOme, so i gO back mum home slEEp~~~
leave dear at home alOne....hehe!!!!
gIve u freedOm lol~~~
mISS u....mUackSsss~~~~
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