2008年8月31日 星期日

end oF the Ogos~~~

we lOve sugArbun~~~

me have gO KUAI KE LEE eat the dinner 2 niGht...1 dAy is v my fAmily withOut dear ; 1 day is v my lOvely dear & yien cOuple. ok, jus tell i love the "tOm yam fried toNg hoon"...its so delicIous~~~i lOve it!!!
at thurs night was rain &打雷。很可怕!!dear acc beSide me, cOz me realy so hAte like tat!!
me wanna cooking at niGht. sO dear bring mIe gO bOulevard buy fOOd 2 cook. then, we have our lUnch at sUgarbun. sO many ppl at tAt tIme.....realy lOng time din cooking le, i tHink gOt 1 month le~~~hehe....dear was mamachi until 2am. crAzy le them!!!!

300808(sAt), 2day my sIster ask 2 night gOt go out ma?? i say no ehh...cOz nthing plAce wanna gO. i dIslike clUbbing....the nAtional day is no my hal, i dUn care. jUs noe bazir dUit!!! 2night i oso cOOk by myself. i cooking fOr 3 person eat, but sOmeone sAy he dun wan eat. so me & dear was eAt all the food tt i have cook....WE BE FAT LE!!!! 2night oso raining dAy...me so early gO sleep le!!! nthing 2 do~~~

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