2dAy is my fAmily day!!!! my sister tat hAve oredy hOliday le....yeah~~~hAppy!!!!
aftErnoon,we gO yAkin caFe eat. ntging 2 eat!!! then, gO shOpping at parkson & imperiAll mall. Washei, sO many ppl at parkson cOz holiday ma!!! ( most is lakia...yiiiii) i meet my clAssmate at parksOn. they all so lihai stUdy, 1 of them wanna gO CANADA study le (4 years o...) realy sO lihai!!!!
I wish u luCky & best at tHere.....pls tAke care, my frIend~~~i will miss u!!!!
at niGht, we gO tanjung eat dInner....
reaLy hAte the gIrl at there!!!! u kNow, the stall 7th is realy 没礼貌,看不起人!!看到都讨厌....say wat cant bring the fish to there cook!!! JIXXI AH U~~~
we all realy sO angry.....不用吃都气饱了!
dont say le.....then, we gO boUlevard shopping!!! realy boring de shopping~~~haiiiii......
u knOw 2day is a speCial day....u c~~~20082008...sO special leh!!! love it~~~~
2day, me & yien off day!!! is oUr gathering day lOl....hehe~~~we wear tHe same stYle gO shopping...cOz we lOve colourfU & our style are sAme....dUn jealOus!!!! we gO do the 手指甲彩绘. i do the blUe coloUr (cOz i like blUe coloUr) , yien dO the purple colour!!! they say like the sEa, ishhhh....but nvrmind, i like my sTyle~~~
2day me & yien din off dAy. our gathering change 2 tueday!!! dear wAs so fast go back hOme after he fiNish her work. then, we go shopping at bOulevard, coz i wanna gO buy the Sunkist Oren. 很好喝啊!but din bUy dao, coz finish le. i jus buy the mushroom fOr cooking sup, dear buy the car magazIne. then, we go buy the green tea peArl mIlk.....yUmmy-yUmmy!!!! me jus stAy at home, dear gO limteh....jus like tIs~~~
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